Texts Go Green

# Update - I've found my flip phone. We're back. ## Title is a lie if you still have my number but I LOST MY FLIP PHONE. only FaceTime now :( GUYS. I CANNOT SHUT UP. IT'S AN ACTUAL PROBLEM. I always have so much to say. I can't stop talking. I have to speak to people in person / over text, and then document my feelings in detail on this blog or in a journal. It's so bad. The fact that people are still willing to read or listen is insane to me. If that was me, I would've called it quits so long ago. Speaking of which, last night, I did. I finally pulled the plug and walked out. I want to begin by saying that that was perhaps one of the harder things I've had to do in my life. I've never been the type to act, just react. People do things and then I react to what they've done. It's unlike me to make a move, especially one as permanent as what I did. The more I think about it, the more I wonder why I did what I did and if it was even the right thing...