a bipolar existence

# This piece was originally titled, "2.30, baby, won't you meet me by the bean?" after a line from Chicago Freestyle by Drake and Giveon. // two pieces of writing in one day? who am i? i got diagnosed 4 months ago. well, technically in november, so i've known about being bipolar for quite some time now. i've been very open about it, or at least, used to be. not anymore, though. turns out people will use this against you. but that's a different conversation. anyway, if that happened so long ago, why do thoughts of my diagnosis, and the knowledge that i am stuck with this disorder for life, still continue to emotionally paralyse me to the point where i can't get out of bed anymore? messages that keep me alive. i love you, my friend. i tried to kill myself last week. again. i know, it's so funny. it's literally the same story with me every time. woe is me and whatnot. it wasn't the worst. nothing i can't take. i thought i'd do my makeup, ...