NOBODY CARES have you ever had a breakdown in the middle of Priceline? i can’t lie, it’s a very overwhelming and confronting feeling. one second, you’re checking out the foundation, trying to see whether the shade matches your skin tone or not. next second, you’re fighting for your life trying to not bawl your eyes out and ruin the makeup on your face. you will be happy to know that i succeeded and didn’t have a full blown meltdown. i’ve been so numbed to how i’ve been feeling; now that i’m not as stressed and don’t need to put myself in the backseat, it’s all starting to catch up with me. - NO NEW FRIENDS, NO NEW FRIENDS PLAY FOR KEEPS, CAN'T PLAY PRETEND how embarrassing to be upset because you haven't gotten enough attention. it's almost like i am a narcissist whose ego takes a massive hit when they're not given the attention that they want, so they stoop to lower, and even lower levels in a bid to be dramatic so that people might care. i can feel my friends drifting...