
Showing posts from July, 2024


NOBODY CARES have you ever had a breakdown in the middle of Priceline? i can’t lie, it’s a very overwhelming and confronting feeling. one second, you’re checking out the foundation, trying to see whether the shade matches your skin tone or not. next second, you’re fighting for your life trying to not bawl your eyes out and ruin the makeup on your face. you will be happy to know that i succeeded and didn’t have a full blown meltdown. i’ve been so numbed to how i’ve been feeling; now that i’m not as stressed and don’t need to put myself in the backseat, it’s all starting to catch up with me. - NO NEW FRIENDS, NO NEW FRIENDS PLAY FOR KEEPS, CAN'T PLAY PRETEND how embarrassing to be upset because you haven't gotten enough attention. it's almost like i am a narcissist whose ego takes a massive hit when they're not given the attention that they want, so they stoop to lower, and even lower levels in a bid to be dramatic so that people might care. i can feel my friends drifting

#SaveBangladeshiStudents #QuotaReformMovement

This is about Bangladesh. Please, please , read about what is happening. Wikipedia is a good starting point. It is rather pathetic that my people are dying, and my biggest concern right now has to be my assignments and upcoming exams. It is truly quite cowardly that I am so far away from everything that's happening but I am pretending like I am doing the most. It is extremely embarrassing that I claim to be patriotic and that I would lay my life down for my country, but I'm a million miles away as people get shot and killed. People my age. The best and brightest minds in the country. They're being murdered. And I am watching that happen through my 13" screen, from the comfort of my home. - This started off as Bangladeshi students protesting the quota system that we have in place for government jobs in the country. Currently, I believe 30% of the jobs have been allocated to the children and grandchildren of freedom fighters, 10% to women, 10% to those from underreprese

on becoming apathetic (and other things)

I hate that I go through this cycle as often as I do. I will be good for a couple days, or weeks even if I'm lucky, and then it'll all come crashing down and I can't do anything anymore. I don't want to eat unless it's some greasy expensive food, I don't want to sleep but I don't want to get out of bed once I'm in. I don't want to talk to anyone but I can't fucking focus on my work. Talking to people. That's a complicated topic for me to talk about. We'll give it a shot anyway. Please note that it is currently past midnight and therefore anything and everything I say should be taken with a grain of salt. Thank you. - I don't like talking to people most of the time. I do it because relationships are a two-way street, and you get back what you put into them. Humans thrive on connectedness and community, and I don't want to wake up one day and realise that my persistent depression stole from me some of the nicest people I've ever


# Something I found on the internet which deeply resonated with me Life can often feel like a solitary journey, especially when you’re dedicated to your path but surrounded by silence. The sensation of isolation can be overwhelming, making you question the value of your efforts and the worthiness of your goals. However, there is a profound truth that often goes unnoticed: the work you do with sincerity and integrity has a unique way of reaching out into the world, connecting you with like-minded souls. In moments of solitude, it's essential to remember that true and conscientious work resonates beyond the immediate confines of your environment. This kind of work is imbued with authenticity and passion, qualities that inherently attract others. When you pour your heart and soul into what you do, you’re not just creating something of value—you’re sending out a beacon to others who share your values and vision. Consider the countless artists, writers, scientists, and thinkers who have