my final goodbye :)

TW: Sensitive content. one last post about this while i'm still at seclab and the jukebox plays. thanks for your advice, chat. this is my final goodbye. - this is a lot more difficult than i thought it would be. i genuinely believed that i could just sit down and spill everything, but i may no longer have any tears left to cry. which would make sense. all i've done is cry about this for the last 39281923 days anyway. we'll see where this goes. i'm going to write whatever comes to me. it won't make sense. - i have the greatest friends in the world. people who are happy to listen to me talk and talk again about the same thing. and give me advice too, even when it's the same advice they gave me the first time i talked about it. people who are actually willing to go to war against me, for me. i'm convinced that i wouldn't be alive today if i didn't have some of these people in my life. to the friends that i used to have and the ones whose presence still ...