Regret #5

# This was originally titled footprints i found, after the album by David Kushner. The new title is more of an inside joke than me actually regretting something. The last time I wrote something was just 3 weeks ago. Way too fucking much has happened since then. Here are the highlights. Came back to Bangladesh, and chaos ensues. Some weird stalker won't stop texting me weird shit on Instagram; had to deactivate so I could distance myself from that mess. Keep drifting in and out of sleep - I'm guessing my body's been through a lot more stress than I initially assumed so I am spending most of my time playing catch-up. My team and I surprisingly made it to the finals of a competition that we had participated in when term 2 was just starting, which is genuinely so crazy when you deep that we made top 3 across AUS + NZ. 2 days before we find out if we're going to compete globally. We might actually have a real shot at this. I just wish I was in Australia to experience this wi...