
Showing posts from October, 2024

on struggling (and other things)

Trying not to kill myself gets more and more difficult every day. This is a weird thing to say after what has been a pretty nice week, but I guess this is what depression is like. Summary of my week - a horrible long weekend, but went to class the next day and somehow understood things despite not knowing what the fuck I was supposed to be doing. Complimented random people. Random people complimented me. Had some really lovely, small conversations with people I will probably never see ever again. Had an insane conversation with a group of people I was never expecting to have said conversation with. Realised my work friend is just like me. Got tickets to Travis Scott. Got new clothes. Got a very important interview. Had a really good time in general. But on the flip side, I've barely been eating 1 meal a day. I eat small items and call it a day because I have run out of food at home and grocery shopping is a chore. My room's starting to look like a mess again and all I have to d

long weekend

man, no one loves holidays more than me. no one hates holidays more than me, either. - one of the greatest things about living by yourself is that you're not answerable to anyone. you get to do what you want to, when  you want to. i just had melted chocolate for dinner and that was OK, because i make the rules. the worst thing about living alone though is that there's no one to take care of you. you're on your own here. if you make a mess, it's up to you to clean it up. sick and tired and need to eat? you gotta get up and cook. some days, you don't have anyone to talk to, either. that's what this one's about. my sister and flatmate are currently in Canberra. i was going to go too, but i have work that i wanted to get done. also, i just really like being alone.  i've had the apartment to myself since Friday, which is pretty fucking sick. i don't have to talk to anyone if i don't want to, can blast music at full volume whenever, have the kitchen al