my thoughts on suicide

Wrote this one half asleep. Feelings remain the same even if the grammar isn't always accurate. When I was growing up- No, scratch that. Until a few months ago, I believed that suicide was the easy way out. I was told (and convinced) that the ones who did decide to commit suicide were weak. That they weren’t strong enough and chose to go out the easy way. I’m at a point in life where I have been considering this alternative for a while, and I have been told my entire life that I’m strong. What am I meant to believe, then? - I can’t even begin to imagine what my family would go through if they ever read this blog post. I think they would implode, honestly. - Suicide is not easy. Do you know how difficult it is to overcome the fear of hurting yourself? Because of evolution, our brains are naturally wired to make sure that we are always safe. The reason you feel anxious is that your brain perceives said activity as a threat, and is trying to keep you safe, emotionally and / or physica...