Trial and error - part 1 (maybe)

(This blog is my way of not paying for therapy.) - It's currently 0016 hours where I am at (Sydney, Australia, for all you nosey people). I should be sleeping, or at the very least, eating something, anything , instead of skipping dinner. I could also be working on my assignments, which have somehow piled up even though it's only week 3. Instead, I'm sat here, on a couch in 14C weather (which is very cold for me) writing this. Why? I don't know, either. I'm still trying to figure it out. I was trying to get to an office and took this picture to show an acquaintance where I was. | Elizabeth St, Sydney, Australia I feel a certain type of way at the moment. It's been a while since I've arrived in Australia. I have virtually zero restrictions and / or obligations, and am free to do whatever I want. And yet. Yet, I do not feel like it. My soul is aching for a reprieve, and all I want to do is run away. Run away from what? Why? Where would I go? I do not have the...